Wella’s Guide to Wellness

Kidney Stone Attack

“A kidney stone attack has classic symptoms: the most agonizing pain in the lower back just below the ribs spreading around to the front of the abdomen and often extending into the groin area.  The pain may come in waves as the stone tries to move through the tube between the kidney and the bladder (ureter).”

Sometimes there will be blood in the urine.  Often there is nausea, fever and chills, and vomiting.  The abdomen or lower back may be painful to touch.  The severity of the pain is no indicator of the size of the passing kidney stone.  Some believe the jagged edges of the stone is what is causing the pain and the bleeding to occur.

Others believe the pain is caused by the dilating or stretching of the urinary tract being blocked by the stone when it gets stuck in the ureter.  All seem to agree how incredibly painful the attack is.

Stay active and don’t go to bed except when you normally would go to sleep.  Jump on a trampoline to move the lymph and some believe activity may actually assist in passing the kidney stones.

Hop in the hottest bath water you can stand and sip an apple cider vinegar drink that I’ve outlined below.

Whilst in the midst of a painful kidney stone attack drink as much of a concentrated amount of  natural apple cider vinegar (with a mother in it from a health food store)  as you can.  We used 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1/4 cup of honey into 3 cups warm  water. This will help to begin to dissolve your kidney stones and should relieve most of the pain.

If you throw up just dilute the vinegar/honey mixture even more.  The throwing up may help relieve some of the pain.  Keep taking the 3 cups of vinegar/honey/water mixture until you’ve had 1 whole cup of apple cider vinegar.

That would require 12 cups of water total for the whole day.

After an attack is over and you pass the stone, you may want to go on a 3 day apple-juice cleanse followed by drinking olive oil  that is outlined on Gall stones and Kidney stones on this site.

(honey isn’t necessary, it just makes it taste better and gives you energy)  A diabetic would want to take as little honey as they possibly can.

You should drink as much as you can all day.  Once the crisis is over and you have passed the stone, continue drinking 1 Tablespoon of the vinegar/honey mixture  in 10 ounces of distilled water 1 hour before eating each day.  After doing this for a week you can just take 1 glassful each morning upon arising to prevent kidney stones.

In the book, Feelings, Buried Alive, Karol Truman suggests (what the chinese have believed) that our physical state is affected by our thoughts and emotions.  In her book she suggests that kidney stones are caused by “hardened anger”.  She suggests replacing these feelings with forgiveness, love, peace, calm, and mercy.  One of the best ways I have found to go to the root of these feelings and to eliminate them is through EFT.  (Emotional Freedom Technique) I’ve outlined my opinion of how to use EFT at http://www.digestingtruth.wordpress.com

Gall Bladder pain
October 24, 2009, 10:54 pm
Filed under: Gall Bladder Pain | Tags: ,

“I was recently asked what someone could do about gall bladder problems.  People who have problems with Gall Bladder and Stones usually eat large amounts of meats and fatty foods. These must be eliminated from the diet, in order to overcome this problem.  Going on juice fasts and cutting out all dairy, animal products and processed foods and going on a whole food diet is strongly recommended.  Once the pain is gone you can add animal products up to 10% of your caloric intake a day.

The liver manufactures bile, a digestive secretion; the gall bladder stores and excretes it into the small intestine when needed. ” The combination I’m going to give you helps the gall bladder function normally and prevents gall stones as given in The How-To Herb Book.

If you have problems in the gall bladder you probably have problems with the liver. Your liver is the detoxification organ.  It purifies poisonous substances from the blood.  It is a filtering organ.  Drugs and unassimilable minerals end up stored in your liver. This formula will help the liver and gall bladder to cleanse, heal and function normally.

Gallbladder/Liver formula

Barberry Bark, Burdock Root, Fennel, Cramp Bark, Ginger, Catnip, Peppermint, Wild Yam (1 ounce of each and encapsulate in “00” capsules)

Generally you take 2 capsules 3x a day.  Some people respond to herbs quicker and would need less.

To prevent gall stones  and kidney stones and to create an alkaline pH in your body, take 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar a day with 1 Tablespoon of honey in 10 ounces of purified or distilled water. Dr. Christopher suggests adding a little cayenne.  When you have gall bladder problems you would want to start with the smallest amount of cayenne and add a tiny bit more every few days as you can tolerate it.

Swine Flu…what to do?

One of my adorable daughters  called and asked if I had any ideas on what to do to prevent Swine Flu. I had a few ideas pop into my head that I shared with her which I will write down and I have had a lot of people share thoughts and ideas with me over the last month.

First of all, don’t get a vaccine! They are dangerous to your health.  They put the vaccine right into your bloodstream and there is a lot of proof that people get sick from vaccines.  There is a ton on the internet saying that the swine flu isn’t any more dangerous than other strains of flu that have been out there in the past. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx This article by Dr. Mercola tells how dangerous the vaccine is.

The body is built in with a natural defense.  Our immune system builds antibodies so when we contract an illness the antibodies will help us in fighting off that illness in the future.  I mentioned how someone I know would change their child’s clothes after preschool and give her a bath.  He said that was a big mistake.  Their child’s immune system would not be able to build antibodies from getting ill.

When my children were little, most of us had been taught that if you expose the children to the chicken pox, etc.  they would get the disease and then they would build up antibodies and wouldn’t get it again.  That is what we did and that is what happened.  They got the chicken pox and got over it and didn’t get it again.

The key is to have a good, strong,and healthy body.  Disease germs are scavengers and can live only on weak “wasting-away” cells, mucus, and toxic conditions.  Never can germs exist in a healthy and clean cell structure.

Second we all need to clean up our diet. Eat a natural diet, whole foods eating less than 10% of your caloric intake of animal products. (Read The China Study, tells how a massive study in China proved that disease started when more than 10% of your diet was from animal products)  A wholesome diet is made up of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds and eat animal products sparingly. (Drink clean water, city water has fluoride and chlorine in it which both have been proven to be detrimental to your health. )

All refined foods should be cut out of your diet. Refined foods such as white flour and white sugar and white rice will gum up our intestines and make our bodies weak and will make an acid environment where parasites, worms and bacteria and yeast will grow.  One of my favorite books to change our diets is Original Fast Foods by the Simmons. There are tons of books out there but I like how the Simmons give you a shopping list and recipes and a seven day example of how to eat and a painless way to change your diet.

The third idea a friend gave me seems incredibly simple.  She sent me this idea of how to use magnesium oxide powder and claims it can be used as a preventative and also when you get sick.  Magnesium oxide powder can be searched out on the internet.  It is a naturally occurring substance that seems to oxygenate the body.  Illness cannot reside in an oxygen rich environment in the body.  Here is what she sent me…

“The problem with a vaccine is that it goes directly to the blood and bypasses the digestive tract which is where it needs to be eradicated before it gets into the body to cause illness. But if it is just a case of the flu, it is easily eradicated with a high PH. Magnesium oxide powder has been used for hundreds of years to instantaneously kill flu virus. I put 1/4 teaspoon into 1/4 cup of water and stir. When I drink it, within seconds the acidity and headache associated with my stomach being invaded disappear.

If the symptoms recur, I repeat the action again. In most cases one will not vomit. But if that is the remedy the body chooses, the hydrocloric acid will be so neutralized that it will not burn the esophagus on the way out. After using magnesium as a flu remedy for several years, the body will not be susceptible to flu viruses.

The first flu I used this remedy on was the very severe Asian flu in about 1970, and it seemed that every family in America was affected. Magnesium gave me 100% immunity to that flu and since that time I have never had the flu because I always keep a supply of the white powder. Everyone I have given it to swears by it. Milk of Magnesia is based on it but utterly unacceptible in that it does not work as well as the folk remedy.”

In my reading about magnesium oxide on the internet, it works as a preventative after taking it a couple of times.

I’m going to get some, it sounds good to me after my research on the internet.

Herbspro sells Magnesium Oxide for $3.68 for 8 ounces of product.

Fourth Idea

Use Dr. Christopher’s anti-plague formula in order to build immunity and use  on the acupressure points Young Living Oil’s formula called” Thieves” (annihilates bacteria) or the similar formula from Butterfly Express .  I’ve been told by one of  my daughters that a friend of hers uses Oregano rubbed on the bottom of his feet and puts a sock on the foot and it pulls out toxins.  Oregano is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic to the respiratory system, anti-viral, immune-stimulant, and parasiticide.  Diffused in the air it strengthens one’s feeling of security.

Fifth Idea

I got this from Dr. Mercola.  It tells how to take baking soda to alkalize the body.


Last Idea..The virus is said to enter the nose or mouth.  I have heard that a salt water gargle and saline nasal spray once a day would keep it from getting into your body. Saline nose spray for the nose.

In conclusion, I would suggest:

  • build a healthier body,
  • don’t fear the swine flu
  • take magnesium oxide
  • don’t get the vaccine!

Parasite Formula (parasites are why you can’t lose weight)

I went to a  Naturopathic doctor with a friend and the doctor did  a live blood analysis on my friend and discovered parasites and worms in the blood.  He explained that  85% of the population have parasites and worms.  We were able to see the parasites and worms eating the healthy red blood cells and “pooping” out toxins that lay right next to the worms.

He had us look on a large screen and explained to us all that we were seeing. I was really fascinated and grossed out!   I have read a lot on live blood analysis and that you can tell what is going on in your body so much better by looking at the live blood.  The books, “The pH factor” and also “How We Rust and Rot” explain all about live blood analysis.  Our sister in Denver says she has a neighbor who does it as well.

You probably have parasites right now in your body and will experience a huge improvement in your health by going through a parasite cleanse.  If you exchange body fluids with friends or family that have parasites, or if you have pets, we were informed that you probably have parasites and worms as well.

I had studied about parasites when I took the Dr. Christopher course to become an herbalist.  When I took a course in Iridology from Helen Smith I obtained and read books by Bernard Jensen and he showed pictures in his book showing the different parasites and worms that can grow in your body.  Some of the worms in our bodies can live as long as 25 years and grow 30 feet long!

At the time I learned all this information, I hadn’t read Hulda Clark’s material on, “A Cure for All Cancers”.  My husband purchased many of her books about 7 years ago and we even purchased her Zapper at the time from a friend that made them.

Dr . Hulda Clark claims that all diseases come from either parasites or pollutants.  (This would cause toxicity)  Some of the symptoms of parasites and worms would be: digestive distress, fatigue, poor health, chronic diarrhea or constipation.  I would add to her list the inability to lose weight.

She very simply gives you 3 herbs that can rid your body of parasites.  The three herbs are wormwood, black walnut hulls and cloves. You take them for 18 days and it wipes out the parasites and eggs in the body.  She suggests taking some  of the herbs each week to keep them out of your system.  We took 3 capsules in the morning and 3 capsules at night from day one.

We also found that we needed to drink more water.  Drink 2 quarts a day and it will help clear the toxins out of the body.  We also found that you need to take something to move your bowels because the formula had a tendency to congest our system and also there is a need to eliminate the dead parasites.  We used burdock root and yellow dock.  Two capsules of each per day seemed to help the bowels to flow amazingly well.

Hulda Clark also suggests getting the black walnut tincture.

If you check out her site you can get the details of how to do it.


The parasites and worms actually give out chemicals that make you crave foods that they want, they especially love sugar.  When you go through a course of the herbs you will probably experience heightened cravings for sweets.  I would suggest you use “EFT” to help yourself overcome the cravings.

Fat will melt off your body and your energy will return as you rid your body of these freeloaders!  Good Luck!

The name of the Naturopathic Doctor we went to is Dr. Womack in Malad, Idaho.  208-766-2344

EFT (emotional freedom technique)
October 9, 2009, 1:15 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I absolutely love this technique.  I learned it many years ago through our friend Tom.  I only recently learned one day as I was doing it some additions that would really accelerate healing.  Here is a summary of what the basic idea of EFT is from Brad Yates website:

“Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).  It is a remarkable healing modality based on the same principles that have been used for thousands of years in acupuncture—but without the needles.  EFT has been reported successful in thousands of cases covering a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues.  It often works where nothing else does.

Best of all, anyone can learn and use EFT in a relatively short amount of time, and achieve great results in relieving stress and other uncomfortable feelings.  Experience EFT’s results for yourself – after you read the free basic instructions below, you can perform your first “rounds” of personal tapping in a few minutes.   This is only a basic tutorial, and should not be considered a substitute for training or coaching provided by a professional.  I encourage you to take advantage of any live opportunity to learn and experience these techniques.

EFT and Emotional Freedom Techniques are registered trademarks of Gary Craig, and are used here with permission. EFT is a very flexible process and, beyond the Basic Recipe below, what is presented in my work is my own way of doing this process, and does not necessarily reflect the views of EFT, Gary Craig or the complete, standardized training offered here.

Here is the link to Brad Yates’ site:


Instead of “Even though I have this________________ I deeply and completely accept myself.”

I changed to, “Even though I have had this_____________in the past, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

The first statement seemed to reinforce that I was a certain way right now.  The second statement acknowledges that the feeling has been there, but I am changing it.  It might seem like subtle change, however, I think the change is powerful.

The second change is located on my spiritual blog for those who are Christians:


I hope you’ll try EFT, it has been a major breakthrough for me, emotionally and spiritually and for many people that I know.

Depression and Anxiety

I want to begin this post by saying that I am so sorry that you are experiencing this pain.  It is deep, it is personal and these are important issues you are dealing with.

I have many ideas that have helped with alleviating depression. Which one will help you is probably also very personal.  They have been used on people near and dear to me. So at the outset let me just say that by reading about depression and feeling hope that there is an answer for you specifically, you have already accessed “intent” and have sent it out to have Him hear and the answer is on it’s way.

I am going to talk about two main reasons that I think we have depression:

1. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body  affecting  physical and mental health.

2. Our thinking processes which affect our energy pathways through the body which affect physical and mental health.

Which one comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Let’s discuss the first one.


  • Eliminate refined and denatured foods. Replace with fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds.  Eat meat sparingly.  According to The China Study that would mean less than 10% of your caloric intake of animal products in your diet.  A wonderful dietary and lifestyle guide with recipes can be found in the book, Original Fast Foods by James and Colleen Simmons.  They show a quick start program that will simply get you going.  They also give cooking classes in Springville, Utah that I went to and really enjoyed and I found extremely helpful!
  • Juice fasting helps you quickly detoxify and  is always a good idea. (See “fasting to detoxify” on this blog) It helps to remove toxic material in the body.  You replace the toxic material in your body with alkaline-based fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
  • A parasite cleanse that Hulda Clark advocates would also be extremely helpful to clean up the environment in your body.(Google Hulda Clark)  I  bought equal amounts of wormwood, black walnut hulls and cloves in bulk at Mary’s Health Food Shoppe in Layton, Utah. This will kill the parasites and the eggs. We take 3 capsules 2 times a day(morning and evening) for 18 days .  Once a month thereafter we are to take more of the formula to prevent infestation.
  • Vitamin and Mineral supplements  and herbs will help a ton.

St. John’s Wort is used as a prescription in many places.  We found it to be extremely helpful.  Use 300 mg 3 times a day.

One of the books that I also would recommend is Depression-Free, Naturally by Joan Larson PHD.  Our dear cousin sent this book to us and we used many of the ideas in her book and added some of our own.  It seemed to make a big difference in the chemicals in the body.

Most natural substances do not act as quickly as drugs.  They build more slowly, over days, weeks, or even months in people with poor absorption.

We noticed a difference in the first week.  I have listed some of her suggestions that we used  and some of ours below:

Nutrient                                                                                                      Dose                                                           Directions

Free-form amino complex 700 mg                                                      2 capsules at least 1/2 hour before am & pm meal

Tryptophan (Increases body’s production of serotonin-health food store) 500 mg                     2-4 capsules, 1/2 hour before bedtime

Vitamin C (Ester C)                                                                                  675 mg                                                      2 capsules with both breakfast and with supper

Multivitamins/mineral                                                                                                                                                2 capsules with both breakfast and with supper

Vitamin B complex(sublingual form at Costco)                           as directed on package                        as directed

Zinc 50 mg daily.  Do not exceed 100mg daily from all supplements

Antioxidant complex (Pycnogenol at Costco )                                                                                                    2 capsules each with breakfast and with supper

Cold-water Fish (EPA) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)                                360 mg                                                   1 capsule with breakfast and  1cap with supper

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) (Omega-6)                                            300 mg                                                   1 capsule daily with food

Apple Cider Vinegar (with the “Mother” in it)                                    2 tsp vinegar, 2tsp honey in 8 oz. water  Take 1/2 hour before each meal

OR Rejuvalac (On this blog)                                                                            6-8 oz. glassful                                     1/2 hour before each meal

Elecampane ( health food store for digestion)                                      2 caps “00”                                              With each meal

Burdock Root (health food store to balance hormones and cleanse liver) 2 caps “00”                            With each meal

Ginseng 1 cap “00”                                                 With each meal

Potassium Iodide (to detox heavy metals)                                              32.5 mg                                                    1 pill am 1 pill pm (Available at Mary’s Health Food Shoppe or on the internet)

We also use Clark’s Mineral Water for minerals and Forever Living Aloe Vera Juice.(We obtain our Aloe from Ina Johnson at 801-544-2350 for a good deal)


  • Kava If anxiety is more of a problem than depression take kava extract at a dosage sufficient to provide 60 mg of kavalactones three times daily, or GABA at a dosage of 200 mg four times daily. (Note: Kava and GABA can be used together.  You can take kava kava tea or in powdered herbs also.
  • Calcium and magnesium (a natural tranquilizer) Take 2,000 mg daily of calcium and 600-1,000 mg daily of magnesium.
  • Skullcap and valerian root can be taken at bedtime to promote stleep and aid in preventing panic attacks at night.  You can try taking 150-300 mg
  • Follow the depression suggestions.

I had an email sent to me by someone that had suffered depression in the past and felt Zone Therapy would help and I wanted to include this part of the email:

“The more depressed a person is, the more painful the pressure on these points will be.

I believe that Zone therapy releases endorphins and other “feel good” chemicals in the body and balances the energy flow in the meridians.

For me, after an hour treatment of excruciating pain, I am in bliss… sometimes lasting for several days.

this time of physical and emotional bliss provides me with the opportunity to reprogram my thoughts and feelings and the way I am emotionally responding to stress and the world around me.

Your friend might want to find a good zone therapist in her area and give that a try. ultimately, for long term change, she will need to change her thought patterns and begin to see everything that happens to her in life as a blessing and respond emotionally accordingly.”

I am able to apply Zone Therapy and it has really helped people to “reset” the body and balance the meridians.


“Regular exercise may be the most powerful natural antidepressant available.” “People who participate in regular exercise have higher self-esteem, feel better, and are much happier compared with people who do not exercise.” Exercise has been shown to increase the level of powerful mood-elevating substances in the brain known as endorphins. These compounds exert effects similar to morphine.

When endorphin levels are low, depression occurs.  Conversely, when endorphin levels are elevated, so is one’s mood.  A minimum  of 15 to 20 minutes 3 times a week is necessary to gain any significant psychological as well as cardiovascular benefits.  The important thing is to exercise with an intensity that will keep your heart rate in the training zone.


By taking the supplements or using Zone Therapy my husband stated:

“this time of physical and emotional bliss provides me with the opportunity to reprogram my thoughts and feelings and the way I am emotionally responding to stress and the world around me.”

Even though the Zone therapy helped him the most dramatically for severe depression, he also noticed a huge difference taking the supplements which is what we did first.

One of the helps in our family when we are feeling ill is to check in the book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die...by Karol Truman to see what ideas she has as to what we might be thinking that is causing our bodies to respond as they are.  For those of you unfamiliar with this concept, just think back to the many times when you have been scared about something and you have gotten an upset stomach.

In Ms Truman’s book she proposes that all of our illnesses that we suffer from could be from “unresolved, repressed and suppressed negative feelings you thought you had taken care of-fellings you thought were dead and gone…..they are energies in and of themselves.  They are alive, living, and constantly affecting you.  These buried feelings have a personality, and these feelings that have been buried alive will, of necessity, have to manifest themselves sooner or later.”

She lists probable feelings that cause ill-ness.  For Depression she lists:

Feeling “I’ll never be able to be enough or do enough”

Feeling “It’s no use”

Feeling “Things are beyond my control”

Hopeless/helpless feeling

Insufficient exposure to sunlight (usually in Winter) can also cause

One of the first books I read about depression was Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman, Ph.D which I totally enjoyed and in which I learned much.  He is quoted in the book, Natural Alternatives to Prozac, by Michael Murry N.D.  He explains one of the main causes for depression by showing Dr. Seligman’s research. And I quote:

“One of Dr. Seligmain’s major contributions to psychology was the development of an animal model known as the learned helplessness model of depression.  During the 1960’s Dr. Seligman discovered that animals could be trained to be helpless. Let me describe one of his classic experiments.

The experiment was performed on three groups of dogs.  The first group of dogs was given an escapable electrical shock.  The dogs could turn off the shock by simply pressing a panel with their noses.  This group of dogs would thus have control.  The second group of dogs was “yoked” to the first group.  They would get exactly the same shocks as the first group but would be unable to turn off the shock.  The shock would cease only when the “yoked” dog in the first group would press its nose toto the panel.  Thus the second group had no control over the degree of shock they received.  The third group of dogs would get no shocks at all.

Once the dogs went through this first part of the experiment, they would be laced in what is known as a shuttle box-a box deparated in the middle by a small barrier that the dogs could jump over.  The dogs would be electrically shocked, but they would be able to escape the shock by simply jumping over the barrier to the other side.  Dr. Seligman believed that the first and third groups would quickly figure this out, but he felt the second group of dogs would have learned to be helpless in that they would believe that nothing they could do would matter.  Dr. Seligman thought that the dogs in the second group would simply lie down and accept the shock.

Here were the results: The first and third groups of dogs learned within seconds that they could avoid the shock by jumping over the barrier.  In contrast, the dogs in the second group would simply lie down and not even make an effort to jump over the barrier, even though they could see the shockless side of the shuttle box.”

“Dr. Seligman and his colleagues went on to show that many humans react in an identical fashion to animals in these experiments.  Anti-depressant drugs were used to restore proper monoamine balance and alter the animal’s behavior.  Researchers would also learn that when animals with learned helplessness were taught how to gain control over their environment, brain chemistry also normalized.”

SSRI’s are extremely dangerous.  If you are thinking of taking any of the SSRI drugs a very important book to read would be, “Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?” by Ann Tracy.  She documents how drugs can cause violent, aggressive, and even suicidal behavior in some people.

Consider the following instead of taking drugs;

“One of the most powerful techniques to produce the necessary biochemical changes in the brains of depressed individuals is teaching them to be more optimistic.  Dr. Seligman discovered that the determining factor on how a person would react to uncontrollable events, either “bad” or “good” was his explanatory style-the way in which he explained events.”

Optimistic people were immune to becoming helpless and depressed.  However, individuals that were pessimistic were extremely likely to become depressed when something went wrong in their lives.  Dr. Seligman and other researchers found that while optimists rarely got depressed, pessimists were extrememly likely to battle depression and other psychological disturbances.

Dr. Seligman in his book, Learned Optimism  explains that when pessimists are faced with challenges they interpret these as bad events are coin them as being permanent.  Whereas optimists seem to view challenges or “bad events” as temporary.  Using terms such as “always” and “never” are seldom accurate.  Becoming an optimist is essential to overcoming depression.

You can do something about your situation!  Set goals in conjunction with the “bad events” or issues that beset you. Write them down. Make your goals realistic.  See yourself achieving your goal.  As Wayne Dyer says, “You’ll see it, when you believe it.”

I like to think of it this way.  When you desire something, make a statement of confidence (faith) and you send it out as your “intent”.  Like ordering something online.  You’ve ordered it, and your expectations are that it is on it’s way.  It’s coming and now you can go in the gratitude mode that it is on it’s way.  The fear of unbelief is taken out of the formula.

Michael Murray also includes from Anthony Robbins book, Unlimited Power, “The quality of your life is equal to the quality of the questions you habitually ask yourself”.  He claims that one of the most powerful ways of improving the quality of your life is to improve the quality of self-talk, particularly the questions you habitually as yourself.”

To get in the habit of asking empowering questions he suggests asking yourself the following:

The Morning Questions

1. What am I most happy about in my life right now?

Why does that make me happy?

How does that make me feel?

2.What am I most excited about in my life right now?

Why does that make me excited?

How does that make me feel?

3. What am I most grateful about in my life right now?

Why does that make me grateful?

How does that make me feel?

4. What am I emjoying most in my life right now?

What about that do I enjoy?

How does that make me feel?

5.What am I committed to in my life right now?

Why am I committed to that?

How does that make me feel?

6.Whom do I love? (Starting close and moving out)

Who loves me?

7.What must I do today to achieve my long-term goal?

The Evening Questions

1. What have I given today?

In what ways have I been a giver today?

2. What did I learn today?

3. What did I do today to reach my long-term goal?

4. In what ways was today a perfect day?

5. Repeat the morning questions.

The Problem or Challenge Questions

1. What is right/great about this problem?

2. What is not perfect yet?

3. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want?

4. How can I enjoy doing the things necessary to make it the way I want it?

“Asking these questions daily will help reprogram the subconscious mind.  It almost seems simple, but it works.  Give it a try for one month and you’ll have a greater enjoyment and passion for life.”


EFT(emotional freedom technique)  has been incredibly effective in our lives. A link to this is:


Our dear friend Tom showed it to us many years ago.  We have since learned an additional process that has made all the difference in the world. I will share it on my other spiritual blog either later on today or tomorrow. (www.digestingtruth.wordpress.com)  As a Christian, I put Jesus Christ into the script with a prayer going out to Him.  All true, deep healing occurs through our “Jehovah-Rapha”, (Greek for God the Healer).

The idea behind EFT is that your energy meridians throughout the body have stopped conducting electricity from one to another because of a blockage.  This blockage can be caused by emotions that have caused a physical blockage.  Our bodies are electrical, and therefore, our minds are electrical. It isn’t complicated at all.  Once you try it you will see that it only takes 5 minutes or less to do the whole tapping sequence.

One of the changes I have made to the script is instead of saying:

“Even though I have this______

I say, ” Even though in the past I have had ______________


Michael Murray at the end of his book lists the general guidelines that is all the majority of people need;

1. Develop a positive, optimistic mental attitude by

Setting goals

Using positive self-talk and affirmations

Asking yourself empowering questions

2. Rule out an organic or physiological cause of depression

3. If you smoke, get help to quit.

4. Avoid the intake of caffeine, other stimulants, and alcohol.

5. Exercise regularly.

6. Perform a relaxation/stress-reduction technique for ten to fifteen minutes each day. ( In Deepak Chopra’s book, Seven Spiritual Laws, he suggests running the scripture “Be still and know that I am God”  through your mind 30 minutes a day morning and evening to help with meditation.)

7. Find ways to interject humor and laughter in your life.

I know there is a reason for your journey through this. Most of us have experienced depression to one degree or another and it certainly makes us more compassionate towards others.  The exciting part is the deep emotional issues that you might have can be resolved or the chemical underlying cause that you possibly have can be addressed as you go through this process.