Wella’s Guide to Wellness

Swine Flu…what to do?

One of my adorable daughters  called and asked if I had any ideas on what to do to prevent Swine Flu. I had a few ideas pop into my head that I shared with her which I will write down and I have had a lot of people share thoughts and ideas with me over the last month.

First of all, don’t get a vaccine! They are dangerous to your health.  They put the vaccine right into your bloodstream and there is a lot of proof that people get sick from vaccines.  There is a ton on the internet saying that the swine flu isn’t any more dangerous than other strains of flu that have been out there in the past. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx This article by Dr. Mercola tells how dangerous the vaccine is.

The body is built in with a natural defense.  Our immune system builds antibodies so when we contract an illness the antibodies will help us in fighting off that illness in the future.  I mentioned how someone I know would change their child’s clothes after preschool and give her a bath.  He said that was a big mistake.  Their child’s immune system would not be able to build antibodies from getting ill.

When my children were little, most of us had been taught that if you expose the children to the chicken pox, etc.  they would get the disease and then they would build up antibodies and wouldn’t get it again.  That is what we did and that is what happened.  They got the chicken pox and got over it and didn’t get it again.

The key is to have a good, strong,and healthy body.  Disease germs are scavengers and can live only on weak “wasting-away” cells, mucus, and toxic conditions.  Never can germs exist in a healthy and clean cell structure.

Second we all need to clean up our diet. Eat a natural diet, whole foods eating less than 10% of your caloric intake of animal products. (Read The China Study, tells how a massive study in China proved that disease started when more than 10% of your diet was from animal products)  A wholesome diet is made up of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds and eat animal products sparingly. (Drink clean water, city water has fluoride and chlorine in it which both have been proven to be detrimental to your health. )

All refined foods should be cut out of your diet. Refined foods such as white flour and white sugar and white rice will gum up our intestines and make our bodies weak and will make an acid environment where parasites, worms and bacteria and yeast will grow.  One of my favorite books to change our diets is Original Fast Foods by the Simmons. There are tons of books out there but I like how the Simmons give you a shopping list and recipes and a seven day example of how to eat and a painless way to change your diet.

The third idea a friend gave me seems incredibly simple.  She sent me this idea of how to use magnesium oxide powder and claims it can be used as a preventative and also when you get sick.  Magnesium oxide powder can be searched out on the internet.  It is a naturally occurring substance that seems to oxygenate the body.  Illness cannot reside in an oxygen rich environment in the body.  Here is what she sent me…

“The problem with a vaccine is that it goes directly to the blood and bypasses the digestive tract which is where it needs to be eradicated before it gets into the body to cause illness. But if it is just a case of the flu, it is easily eradicated with a high PH. Magnesium oxide powder has been used for hundreds of years to instantaneously kill flu virus. I put 1/4 teaspoon into 1/4 cup of water and stir. When I drink it, within seconds the acidity and headache associated with my stomach being invaded disappear.

If the symptoms recur, I repeat the action again. In most cases one will not vomit. But if that is the remedy the body chooses, the hydrocloric acid will be so neutralized that it will not burn the esophagus on the way out. After using magnesium as a flu remedy for several years, the body will not be susceptible to flu viruses.

The first flu I used this remedy on was the very severe Asian flu in about 1970, and it seemed that every family in America was affected. Magnesium gave me 100% immunity to that flu and since that time I have never had the flu because I always keep a supply of the white powder. Everyone I have given it to swears by it. Milk of Magnesia is based on it but utterly unacceptible in that it does not work as well as the folk remedy.”

In my reading about magnesium oxide on the internet, it works as a preventative after taking it a couple of times.

I’m going to get some, it sounds good to me after my research on the internet.

Herbspro sells Magnesium Oxide for $3.68 for 8 ounces of product.

Fourth Idea

Use Dr. Christopher’s anti-plague formula in order to build immunity and use  on the acupressure points Young Living Oil’s formula called” Thieves” (annihilates bacteria) or the similar formula from Butterfly Express .  I’ve been told by one of  my daughters that a friend of hers uses Oregano rubbed on the bottom of his feet and puts a sock on the foot and it pulls out toxins.  Oregano is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic to the respiratory system, anti-viral, immune-stimulant, and parasiticide.  Diffused in the air it strengthens one’s feeling of security.

Fifth Idea

I got this from Dr. Mercola.  It tells how to take baking soda to alkalize the body.


Last Idea..The virus is said to enter the nose or mouth.  I have heard that a salt water gargle and saline nasal spray once a day would keep it from getting into your body. Saline nose spray for the nose.

In conclusion, I would suggest:

  • build a healthier body,
  • don’t fear the swine flu
  • take magnesium oxide
  • don’t get the vaccine!