Wella’s Guide to Wellness

Parasite Formula (parasites are why you can’t lose weight)

I went to a  Naturopathic doctor with a friend and the doctor did  a live blood analysis on my friend and discovered parasites and worms in the blood.  He explained that  85% of the population have parasites and worms.  We were able to see the parasites and worms eating the healthy red blood cells and “pooping” out toxins that lay right next to the worms.

He had us look on a large screen and explained to us all that we were seeing. I was really fascinated and grossed out!   I have read a lot on live blood analysis and that you can tell what is going on in your body so much better by looking at the live blood.  The books, “The pH factor” and also “How We Rust and Rot” explain all about live blood analysis.  Our sister in Denver says she has a neighbor who does it as well.

You probably have parasites right now in your body and will experience a huge improvement in your health by going through a parasite cleanse.  If you exchange body fluids with friends or family that have parasites, or if you have pets, we were informed that you probably have parasites and worms as well.

I had studied about parasites when I took the Dr. Christopher course to become an herbalist.  When I took a course in Iridology from Helen Smith I obtained and read books by Bernard Jensen and he showed pictures in his book showing the different parasites and worms that can grow in your body.  Some of the worms in our bodies can live as long as 25 years and grow 30 feet long!

At the time I learned all this information, I hadn’t read Hulda Clark’s material on, “A Cure for All Cancers”.  My husband purchased many of her books about 7 years ago and we even purchased her Zapper at the time from a friend that made them.

Dr . Hulda Clark claims that all diseases come from either parasites or pollutants.  (This would cause toxicity)  Some of the symptoms of parasites and worms would be: digestive distress, fatigue, poor health, chronic diarrhea or constipation.  I would add to her list the inability to lose weight.

She very simply gives you 3 herbs that can rid your body of parasites.  The three herbs are wormwood, black walnut hulls and cloves. You take them for 18 days and it wipes out the parasites and eggs in the body.  She suggests taking some  of the herbs each week to keep them out of your system.  We took 3 capsules in the morning and 3 capsules at night from day one.

We also found that we needed to drink more water.  Drink 2 quarts a day and it will help clear the toxins out of the body.  We also found that you need to take something to move your bowels because the formula had a tendency to congest our system and also there is a need to eliminate the dead parasites.  We used burdock root and yellow dock.  Two capsules of each per day seemed to help the bowels to flow amazingly well.

Hulda Clark also suggests getting the black walnut tincture.

If you check out her site you can get the details of how to do it.


The parasites and worms actually give out chemicals that make you crave foods that they want, they especially love sugar.  When you go through a course of the herbs you will probably experience heightened cravings for sweets.  I would suggest you use “EFT” to help yourself overcome the cravings.

Fat will melt off your body and your energy will return as you rid your body of these freeloaders!  Good Luck!

The name of the Naturopathic Doctor we went to is Dr. Womack in Malad, Idaho.  208-766-2344